The following was written of the occasion of the 125th Anniversary of Mount Horeb Lodge in 1980
The past Quarter Century has slipped by very rapidly. Two significant things have happened during this time.
Our membership has increased over this period. This is not a surprise to us who are members of Mt. Horeb, but is when you consider that membership in Masonry in Massachusetts is declining. In the mid seventies we reached an all time high of 532. Today our membership is just shy of 500. Mt. Horeb has always been a strong active Lodge. The tradition and enthusiasm for Masonry the past century and quarter, will certainly sustain and carry us on in the future.
The most significant event of the past twenty-five years was the fulfillment of a dream --- a MASONIC TEMPLE in Woburn. It is difficult to capture all the events and efforts that made this dream a reality.
The beginning of the final chapter of a MASONIC TEMPLE in Woburn was a letter of intent in August, 1972 to purchase the Devine property on Arlington Road. To glibly say the property was finally purchased two years (Aug. 1974) later for $70,000 is the understatement of the year. The time, effort, dedication, frustration, heartache of the Woburn Masonic Temple Association under the Leadership of Worshipful Bruce J. McKee can never be measured. Suffice it to say that the Temple we now have is a Testimony to their labors.
During the next 24 months plans were drawn, money raised and finally construction was started. Brother Bert Finethy superintended the work. The cornerstone was laid in May 1976 by the Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, Most Worshipful Stanley F. Maxwell. Six months later, November 27, 1976 the Temple was dedicated by Most Worshipful Stanley F. Maxwell assisted by the Grand Lodge Officers.
We who celebrate the One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Mt. Horeb Lodge are indeed thankful of those Brothers who had a dream and persevered until it was completed. Future generations will be indebted to them for this beautiful Temple.