The following is a report of the occasion of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Mount Horeb Lodge in 1905
In the year 1905 Mount Horeb Lodge celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in the Masonic Hall at 5:00 p.m. on December tenth. A reception to the Most Worshipful Grand Master, members of the Grand Lodge and officers of Mount Horeb Lodge was held at 5:30 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. a large banquet was served. The toastmaster was the presiding Master Worshipful Arthur U. Dickson. Addresses were made by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Baalis Sanford, Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts.
Rt. Worshipful William T. Grammer spoke about our charter members. Rt. Wor. William F. Davis, who was Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and Past Master of Mount Horeb Lodge, spoke about “The whole fraternity on land and sea wherever dispersed.” The Schubert quartette sang five numbers during the evening and Carters Orchestra furnished the music for the occasion. The officers of Mount Horeb Lodge in 1905 at our “Fiftieth” anniversary were:--
Wor. Arthur U. Dickson, Master
Fred Shattuck, Senior Warden
George Buchanan, Junior Warden
Abijah Thompson, Treasurer
Charles H. Harrington, Secretary
Charles A. Sweetser, Chaplain
George R. Ferguson, Marshal
Richard T. Mack, Senior Deacon
Charles H. Buss, Junior Deacon
John M. Wallace, Senior Steward
Frank R. Clark, Junior Steward
Arnariah V. Haynes, Inside Sentenel
William W. Crosby, Organist
Frank Richardson, Tyler
L.W. Thompson, Trustee
Elliot Trull, Trustee
Alonzo Pierce, Trustee